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Frequently Asked Questions
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Pocari Sweat is a healthier beverage that smoothly replenishes lost water and ions. With a composition close to your body fluid, it is quickly absorbed and retained longer. It is perfect for when you lose body fluid during exercise, outdoor activities, fever, or whenever you feel dehydrated. Hydrate right and stay in top form.
Is POCARI SWEAT similar to an energy drink?
No, Pocari Sweat is not like energy drinks. Pocari Sweat’s role is to quickly restore ions and body fluids, unlike other energy drinks that boost stamina. Plus, Pocari Sweat doesn’t cause addiction. Hydrate smart and keep your fitness game strong.
What is an isotonic drink?
An isotonic drink has the same salt and sugar content as our body fluids. This balance ensures the fluid pressure is similar to our body’s, leading to quicker absorption. Drink smart and keep your fitness on point.
How long does POCARI SWEAT remain drinkable after the cap has been opened?
Since Pocari Sweat contains no chemical preservatives, finish the bottle the same day you open it if you drink directly from it. If you pour it into another container and refrigerate the remainder, aim to finish within two to three days. For optimal freshness, choose a size you can finish quickly. Stay hydrated and keep your fitness game strong.
When should we drink isotonic drinks?
Whenever body fluids are lost due to daily activities.